query: aid:D276000186F302 result: Found object: aid:D276000186F302 status: Information available name: PCI Vendor/Product based AID description: PCI-SIG (pcisig.com) description: (https://pcisig.com/membership/member-companies) VendorID description: based AID (up to 40 application-specific bits) description: Syntax: description: D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 + 16 bit VendorID (4 nibbles description: BigEndian binary) + 16 bit ProductID (4 nibbles BigEndian description: binary, or 0x0000 for product independent) + [ description: application-defined bits ] description: There is no delimiter between vendor ID, product ID, and description: application defined bits, because the vendor ID and description: product ID have a fixed length of 16 bits description: Examples: description: D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 14 EB                = PCI description: Vendor ID 0x14EB (EPSON), no application-specific part description: allowed url: https://hosted.oidplus.com/viathinksoft/?goto=aid%3AD276000186F302 canonical-identifier: oid: alternate-identifier: guid:005e3ad6-4d24-8000-a571-8777d67a1196 alternate-identifier: mac:42-B7-5B-93-39-DB alternate-identifier: mac:43-B7-5B-93-39-DB alternate-identifier: oid: alternate-identifier: oid: alternate-identifier: x500dn:/dc=com/dc=example/cn=oidplus/ parent: aid:D276000186F3 created: 2024-01-25 21:51:31 updated: 2024-01-25 22:05:34 ra: Unknown ra-status: Information unavailable % -----BEGIN RSA SIGNATURE----- % dqtnIA7QsFJwsNaRSsRpVNsQ5U/2HKmrUiPj14ro+yWHdA2/8CA7+fappOxkNWrXmfjH5KPUQHtnEl % Z3zeJiffCyqE51S6e1ynJmGSZRtaGNMXntKqPNQxfaho2QLft22tCBx3gmmYINX39Uf9i8jOcz/41u % ZZjboDHBFKde5gUN97zHE+ttAqNu5nxswC4ir2Vh49BWMm6fHZx8R49RdUtAl4/WpoyhQDmjMhhsV2 % W8ubyNCYrh+9EKis9Cv6jm5lWeUz8lBhnarohIu8EOCv5FzooA4dkd5uRrS/iEyW+vJ/dYgzpC5ED6 % YLUBDlGgsmUu6pVqyqxuaity3uqflw== % -----END RSA SIGNATURE-----